An Early 18th century home legendarily owned by ”Margaret,” Blackbeard the pirates supposed mistress who he visited while in the town of Marcus Hook.

Plank House

Our Mission

The Marcus Hook Preservation Society is a 501c3 organization. It was formed in 2004 to preserve the the rich history of the Borough of Marcus Hook through educational programming, events, and community involvement.

The Society owns the Marcus Hook Plank House, and is in the process of renovating it, and at the same time, has sponsored archaeological digs on its grounds.

The Marcus Hook Preservation Society meets once a month on the second Monday at 7pm at the Marcus Hook Community Center, 7 West Delaware Ave. Marcus Hook, Pa. 19061.

Meetings are open to the public and guests are welcome to attend. Please e-mail Annamaria Glisson, with questions.

The postal address for all correspondence is:
Marcus Hook Preservation Society, P.O. Box 703
Marcus Hook, Pa. 19061.

Board of Directors:
Michael Manerchia, President
Annamaria Glisson, Secretary/Treasurer

Grant Chair: Sandra Tonge
Fundraiser Chair: Annamaria Glisson

Past Archaeological Consultants:
Katherine (Katie) Cavallo
Joe Blondino
Keith Doms
Dr. Jeff Cohen
Lou Farrell
Dr. Cathy Spohn
Matt Grubel

Current Archaeological Consultants:
Dr. David Orr
Dr. Mitchell Rothman
Dr. Timoty Trussell